

Consider that each participant have to secure their own accommodation. In order to help you with this process we have put together this list of the hotels on the area that may suit different budgets. All the hotels are at a very short walking distance from the venue but you may also have many other options available in the city. Check this map for their location.

Please keep in mind that end of July is peak season and you should reserve early.

The prices and characteristics have been provided by the hotels themselves and we have just verify the distance and discounts (when available). Prices and conditions may change (the ESMUC discount at “melon district” should not) and you should add a Tourist tax of €0.72 per person per night. Some of the options will include breakfast while others will not, please check with each hotel.

Iluniol Hotels Auditori 3*
Sicilia, 166-170
08013 Barcelona
T 34 902 42 42 42
[5’ walk from the venue]
€       181.50 €       181.50 €       231.00

Prices per room, per night, breakfast not included

c/Lepanto, 143
08013 Barcelona
T 34 93 231 75 52
[Opposite the venue]
€       100.00 €       110.00 €       130.00        € 150.00

Price per room, per night, breakfast not included

Capri by Fraser 4*
c/Sancho de Ávila, 32-34
T 34 93 224 80 92 –
[8’ walk from the venue]

Studio Apartment
€             130.00 €         140.00 Studio: 2 beds
Apartment: 2 beds + 1 sofa bed

Price per room, per night, tourist tax 1.21€

Sallés Hotels Pere IV 4*
Pallars, 128-130
T 972 65 23 63‎
[11’ walk from the venue]
€         110.00 €           110.00 €       160.00

Price per room, per night. Breakfast not included

Silken Diagonal Barcelona 4*
Avenida Diagonal, 205 
T-US: 888-205-7322
T-UK: 0808 145-3778 FREE
T-EU: +1 469 10 3608
[15 walk from the venue]
€           103.73 €         118.75

Price per room, per night

MelonDistrict Marina
c/Sancho de Ávila, 22
08018 Barcelona
T 34 93 217 88 12
[5’ walk from the venue]
SPECIAL PRICE (prices given in January 2016, could change later)
€59.00 Please contact to the attention of Patricia Rubio and tell her that you are in the group “Esmuc Julio 16”.
Hotel Teatre-Auditori 3*
c/Ribes, 71
08018 Barcelona
T 34 932 45 64 85
[Opposite the venue]
€ 89.00 € 99.00 € 129.00

Includes breakfast. Indicate these prices and that you come to the course at the ESMUC.

Twentytú Hostel:
c/Pamplona, 114 – 116
T 34 93 238 71 85
[6’ walk from the venue]
SGL/TWIN QUADR. (4 bunk beds)
€         60.- € 40.-

Rooms are shared, prices are per person/per night with bath + continental breakfast.

• On some of the hotels you will find a “flexible fare” with less restrictions and another fare that do not allow cancellations but cheaper.
• All the prices are based on the available information as for today, thus we recommend you to confirm with each place.

You can download a PDF file with details about the hotels here